Customer Services

Frequently asked questions
  • My order updates

    Where order tracking is available, a link will be shown in your order history within ‘My Account’.

  • How to link store and online account

    If your account was originally opened in store or by our contact centre, when using the website you may not have access to your order history, invoices or (if you have a credit facility) be able to use any available credit for online orders. This is easily rectified by the account holder ‘linking’ their main account with an existing or new website login.

    You will need to have your in store account number and the postcode that the account is registered to.

    Step 1

    Visit the login page

    Step 2

    If you are a new visitor to our site, go to click ‘Register and link your account’ (Shown in the image). Existing customers, please see step 4.

    Link account

    Step 3

    Fill in all the details in the registration section, including password and password confirmation. Before submitting the data, fill in your 7 digit account number and postcode. Providing these details are correct, your online registration will be immediately linked to the account used in store and by telephone.

    Link account - New customer

    Step 4

    Existing online customers should simply use their email address and password. Before clicking ‘Login’, tick the box marked ‘Link to my Business Premier Account’. This will open a new box on the login page as shown in the image. Enter your 7 digit account number and account postcode. Providing these details are correct, your online and store accounts will be linked.

    Link account - Existing customer
  • How do I claim my Cashback?

    If you have ordered a product from us that has a cashback offer attached to it you will find the details of how to claim here.